There were five major things that caused the U.S. Overseas Expansion:
1) New Manifest Destiny: the mission to reach from coast to coast
2) Commercial Expansion: the need for new interactions in international markets
3) Naval Power: this was still during the time when naval power was one of the greatest military powers a nation had. Having more of it, ensured your success in conflicts and influence
4) Darwinism/“White Man’s Burden”: Christian/Catholic missionaries’ missions to “uncivilized” nation, such as the ones in Africa
5) Closing of the Frontier: Americans wanted to have the “frontier”, or unmapped regions mapped and explored
All of these resulted in the spread of democracy, American influence and the realization that America was a big player at the table of nations.
Answer: b)Matrilineal
Before the Europeans came and had the Native Americans adopt their principles of Patrilineal descent, Native Americans were predominantly Matrilineal in ancestry.
This means that the Natives claimed descent from their mother's clan and women were important enough to be involved in making decisions that concerned the tribe. Some tribes even conferred on women elders, the right to depose a leader who they felt was inefficient.
19476/62- Pretoria local prison 7 November 1962
Fear is something that happens instantly and is a defense mechanism and a phobia is an intense fear of something, phobias are generally built over time and can be very harmful. The amygdala keeps track of all of the bad things that happen too us and trigger us whenever we encounter that specific thing.