1.) East AsiaThe Silk Road due to China’s most important export allowed for the exchange of goods between Asia and the Middle East. The exchange of silks and spices and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of cultural diffusion. The technology of paper-making traveled from China to Baghdad along the Silk Roads. Over time the trade route reached 4,000 miles. Most merchants never traveled the entire route, but instead traded their goods at one of the many markets established along the way.
2.) South AsiaThe Ramayana and the Mahabharata have had a large impact on the South and Southeast Asian continent. However, the Mahabharata has faded from the memory of many Southeast Asian nations and are not as widely known as the Ramayana. Also, one of the most tangible evidence of dharmic tradition commonality, probably is the widespread of Añjali Mudrā as the gesture of greeting and respect. It is demonstrated in Indian namasté, and similar gestures are known in Southeast Asia, as it cognate to the Cambodian sampeah, Indonesian sembah and Thai wai.
3.) Southeast AsiaThe Siam attempted to spread their culture, and especially religion to their neighboring countries. The Siam were successful, and influenced most of south-east Asia and spread their religion of Theravada Buddhism.
<h3>Patent Medicines.</h3>
During the mid 19th century, the dependency of alcohol and drug content medicines became very popular in the U.S. Many medicines were mixed with morphine, opium, or cocaine in large quantities. Often high in alcoholic and drug content, these medicines became very popular with those who found this remedy to be curative for almost every diseases.
However, some physicians and medical groups were skeptical of these patent medicines and remedies. Most of them argued that these remedies did not cure any illnesses but instead caused alcohol and drug dependency.
This made the law makers to implement laws instructing the manufacturers to disclose the ingredients and contents in remedies and medicines. With support from President Theodore Roosevelt, a Pure Food and Drug Act was passed by Congress in 1906. It paved the way for public health concern against unlabeled or unsafe ingredients in medicines.
Answer: It is apparent that Anthony's goal was to show women's side of things: that it is impossible to enjoy these blessings of liberty while unable to fully use them; that women experience a hateful prejudice based on gender rather than work ability or skill; and that ultimately, as United States citizens, women should not be denied the right to vote, because it is defined in the very word. And there can be no doubt that Anthony achieved this goal. Not only is her speech extraordinary, but she was the first woman to be pictured on a United States coin, and is known to this day as one of the most influential people of the Progressive Era. She raised awareness of this injustice through her speeches, inspiring others to protest. She died ten years before the law was changed, but her words and actions continue to affect present-day America. Ultimately, the beliefs she fought for far outweighed the $100 fine she was given for voting in 1872, which she never paid.
The most important areas of Greek achievement were math and science. They achieved all kinds of things in the areas of psychology, astronomy, geometry, biology, physics, and medicine.
A major difference was that Roosevelt felt that the government spending to help people who were in economic trouble, was much more acceptable than Hoover thought it was. Hoover believed in the idea of "rugged individualism" in which people are largely responsible for their own welfare.