Dear Elie Wiesel, your book brings lot of emotions up as it's read. the story itself is so heartbreaking. Throughout the book there are many suspenseful events. For example, the way you wrote and described the night if broken glass and the feelings as you watched trucks be filled and families torn apart. My heart fills with sadness at the thought of what you had endured. there's also moments filled with complete dread, like when juilek had started playing his violin as he slowly dies and readers can understand how depressing last moments were. there were moments in the book where secondhand weariness and fear become present when you write of the fear that was held, stating "fear was greater than hunger" (Wiesel 84), I began to understand exactly how horrid it must have been. in conclusion your tail is filled with nothing but sadness and despair. however I greatly admire your courage for sharing your much-needed story. you successfully conveyed the real emotions throughout your writing. sincerely,
you probably don't need this, but if I can get the points...
D, he was rich, then he followed his dreams, but ultimately lost everything in the end.
Not quite there! :)
"If you have a natural talent like dancing, singing, touching your nose to your tongue or anything you could make someone smile. We all need it this time of the year."
You see, first off; you can't physically touch your nose to your tongue, it should be "Touching your tongue to your nose". :)
I would add in the phrase, "Such as" instead of "Like" to make it ring better!
Next I would change "or anything you could make someone smile" to: "or anything you could use to make someone smile". Using the words "USE" and "TO" help get the meaning across.
"If you have a natural talent such as dancing, singing, touching your tongue to your nose or anything you could use to make someone smile; we can all use it this time of the year."
In this case, it may flow better! :)
On the surface it looks plausible, because, by taking farm animals off the ... “The crops fed to industrially reared animals worldwide could feed an extra ... birds such as barn owls, turtle doves and skylarks are being stripped away, ... In the long term regenerative farming – a broad term that includes all sorts .
A b and c because it is the right one