find it in your soul brother
it all depends on how you view it
Gold has been valued and mined from the earliest civilizations, so asking what it was originally called would depend what language and culture you were referencing. In Latin word for gold was "aurum" and that's where we get the symbol "Au" for gold on the periodic table of elements. The Greeks called gold "chrysos." The Babylonians called it "hurasu."
1.Because no one wants to be under the control of America.
2. The US already has a lot of racial problems in its own country
3. The US is under a lot of national debt.
4.The Philippines isn't doing anything to them so why do they care
5. The Philippines is way too far.
6. They were too worked up to get rid of Spain so they want to keep their independence
Stalin wanted governments who were loyal and friendly to the Soviet Union, to act as a buffer zone against potential future German aggression. It was agreed Poland would be reorganized under a communist provisional government and free elections would be held at a later date.