We can tell from their structure that fatty acids are a good source of energy because of their large number of carbon-hydrogen and carbon-carbon bonds that they contain. Most fatty acids have straight chain compounds with an even number of carbon.
In females, thelarche represents the start of puberty and as such it marks the beginning of the secondary development of the mammary glands known as breasts. This pubertal development usually occur in females that are between the ages of 8 years and 12 years due to the secretion of hormones such as estrogen.
In this scenario, Emily's body starts to develop secretory glands at the end of the milk ducts in the breasts. Based on the given information, we can say that Emily is most likely to be in the thelarche stage because she is beginning to experience breast budding.
internal carotid and vertebral; internal jugular
Blood flows to the brain through the<u> internal carotid and vertebral </u>arteries and away from the brain through the <u>internal jugular</u> veins.
Gregor Mendel belonged to a family of farmers but he went to pursue academic studies. all these things combined with his curiosity resulted in his research studies.
An Austrian monk by profession, Gregor Mendel through experimental studies in his garden, discovered the basic principles of heredity. Mendel 's observations have become the basis of modern genetics and the study of heredity, and he is universally recognized as a foundation for the development of genetics. His strong will led him away from his family occupation of farming. More working in a church it was no less than a revolutionary step to choose science above faith, especially at that time.