So if you subtract the cost of everything for her bakery she still comes out with making 53,000, so if she left she would not earn any profit because she would be making the same.
Consistency principle
Accounting principles are defined as the general rules of.axcpunting that businesses are expected to follow when reporting financial information.
Accounting principles include:
- Accrual principle
- Conservatism principle
- Consistency principle
- Cost principle
- Economic entity principle
- Full disclosure principle
- Going concern principle
- Matching principle
- Materiality principle
- Monetary unit principle
- Reliability principle
- Revenue recognition principle
- Time period principle
Consistency principle requires one the continue using an accounting method consistently for future accounting periods so that information can be easily comparable.
In the given scenario the accountant tells Tenisa that US GAAP allows a company to choose its inventory valuation method as long as it doesn't change over time without a justifiable reason.
This is an example of consistency principle
Lauren's therapist was using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [CBT]. CBT refers to a short term, goal oriented psychotherapy treatment that uses practical approach for problem solving. The principal goal for using this technique is to change the behavior or the mentality that is responsible for the patient problem.
The correct answer is 1, 4, 5.
1. Money.
4. Time.
5. Considerable effort.
Successful entrepreneur is termed as the right attitude towards business and grit to achieve success and also self determination.
A successful entrepreneur has a healthy opinion and sense to self confidence to abilities and skills.
The most important trait for an entrepreneur to be successful is self discipline.
Profit is maximized at the production point of four tops. The disparity in net income and net expenditure is highest in this amount.
Another way of talking about this is to note that for the first 4 shirts that Gilberto makes, the marginal cost (MC) of making each shirt is smaller than the total revenue (MR) it generates from selling the shirt.
Beyond just the third shirt he makes per hour, the total cost of making the shirt is higher than the amount Gilberto receives; thus, opting to manufacture more than 4 shirts decreases Darnell's benefit.