To complete the sentence, the answer would be the word "gather". Assemble is a synonym for "gather". Assemble means to gather something or someone together. Other synonyms include: build, collect, meet and congregate. The word "assemble" comes from the Latin words "ad-" meaning to and "-simul" meaning together.
A. Same
Opposite meaning is antonyms
So with this you would be wondering how did they feel? Were they angry, scared, or indifferent. How did their families fare? I hope this helps! :)
One evening, while I was working outside in my yard, my neighbor came over. We weren’t really friends, but we had always spoken whenever we saw each other. Once, when my car wouldn’t start, he offered to drop me at the office. That night, though, he invited my wife and me to his church the following Sunday. His pastor had just begun speaking on what the Bible said about being an influential man. I wanted to be a man of influence. As the pastor spoke that morning, I knew that the influence and success I had achieved could never be enough. I understood that I was a sinner and could never pay the price of being “good enough” to deserve heaven. The only thing that really mattered was Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for MY sin. When he gave the invitation for us to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, I knew that I needed to be saved, to accept Jesus and that His work was sufficient to assure me of God’s love for me and a place in heaven. I realized it was not enough to just know about Jesus, but that I needed to know Him, personally. I did accept Jesus Christ that Sunday and placed all of my faith in Him and His work on the cross and was baptized. I will always be grateful to my neighbor who invited me to attend church with him.
1. an introductory paragraph which may include an attention getting device such as:
<span>asking a question or questions;making a controversial or surprising statement;setting the scene by using a description;beginning with some conversation;starting with a short story;giving some statistics which may surprise or alarm the reader;referring to a current or historical event;using a quotation, aphorism or proverb;giving an unusual opinion.</span>
2. a topic statement in the first paragraph which clearly states the theme of the paper and the way in which it will be developed.
3. a separate paragraph in the body for each main point developed.
4. a topic sentence in each main paragraph.
5. transitional words and phrases to connect ideas within paragraphs and between paragraphs.
6. a suitable form of development such as: cause and effect, classification, comparison and contrast, description, persuasion, or process analysis;
7. A concluding paragraph which brings the theme to a close.