To industrialize so that they could catch up with western powers or stay strong, they had to constantly use natural resources. Once they realized that their own natural resources were not enough, they had to expand imperialistically; that is, acquiring overseas/overland colonies, such as the British in India producing cotton and textiles and the Spanish in Latin America.
As time went on and the abuses of these mother nations went on, those who were ruled over decided to band together as a common ethnic group with the same goal of getting rid of their rulers and unifying their split up groups. This resulted in the unification of people, an independent nation, as well as the removal of foreign powers within that nation.
Examples include the various revolutions throughout the west: the American, French, Haitian, and Latin American revolutions, as well as the revolutions throughout Africa: the revolutions in Algeria, Angola, and Ghana.
However, not all people within a nation were entirely for this idea, resulting in the competing forces of nationalism and sectionalism. For example, during the process of unification in Italy, there were areas of modern Italy that were very different from the other parts of Italy, becoming an obstacle for unification. Specifically, Piedmont, which is Northern Italy today, was industrialized and had a centralized system of governance, while areas in Southern Italy, such as Sicily, were poor and still had an agrarian society.
The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason and science.
The British colonist Benjamin Franklin gained fame on both sides of the Atlantic as a printer, publisher, and scientist. He embodied Enlightenment ideals in the British Atlantic with his scientific experiments and philanthropic endeavors.
Enlightenment principles guided the founding of the colony of Georgia, but those principles failed to stand up to the realities of colonial life.
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith. Using the power of the press, Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Isaac Newton, and Voltaire questioned accepted knowledge and spread new ideas about openness, investigation, and religious tolerance throughout Europe and the Americas. Many consider the Enlightenment a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness.
Answer: What motivated people to settle in New England is that they were seeking religious freedom from religious persecution.
Poor and unkept. They threatened to take jobs away due to the numbers and made Americans worry about crime rates.