- The audience will stop listening to the presenter in order to read the slide.
- The audience will ignore the information on the slide because of the amount of information on it.
A presentation refers to the visual representation and elaboration of a specific topic to the audience. In other words, it is more like a demonstration and providing a speech on the topic along with the PowerPoint slides. The use of too much of the write-up in a slide has two effects on the audience. They either engage too much in reading them and not listening to the explanation to it given by the presenter. Or, they may ignore the things written in the slides.
We should feed and shelter the homeless because not everyone is as fortunate as you. People go hungry everyday and most of us throw away food we don't eat. People sleep under bridges every night while you're sleeping in your bed, inside your home. Its inhumane to just sit there and watch someone go hungry, or sleep under a bridge. The least you could do is drive them to a homeless shelter, and if there isn't one nearby, maybe you have a shed or an extra room they could sleep in. Or you could buy them some food and a warm blanket to sleep with. Whatever you do, don't just ignore the homeless. They step out and hold their signs because they are asking you to help, isn't that enough for you?
Help and feed the homeless! <3
The proper punctuation of the above sentence is:
Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver's license?
after Megan peered inside and saw so many ants crawl over the food, she recoiled in disgust and ran out of the kitchen.
Sometimes, when we are faced with different emotions, we avoid them or let them overwhelm us. Ideally, maintain a perfect balance between these two poles, but obviously it is much easier said than done. Some days when we get up and it seems that our emotions bombard us to the point where we feel that we collapse, but there are other days when the most insignificant thing can make us feel like on a roller coaster full of emotions.
The most important thing in emotional balance is consciousness. We must be able to identify what emotions we are feeling, and why, in the end, this is what determines the emotional balance. It is a matter of self-awareness, since sometimes we feel emotions that we cannot explain. Understanding our emotions is the only way to keep them under control and feel in perfect balance.