There's no other answer that is reasonable but the one you picked. I don't know about you, but when I'm at home talking, I sometimes use my hands as punctuation. Both my wife and I talk with enthusiasm. That word might is very strong and very important. It means he's talking on the phone while the other hand MIGHT be on the wheel. If he's in a fight with the other half, he might have one hand on the wheel and he might not.
So go with what you think.
A most people think the same thing
Sonnet ...because an analogy is the relative similarity between the comparison
How to convert fractions to decimals
1.In fractions, the numerator is the number above the line and the denominator is the number below.
2.The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and the denominator represents division.
3.To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.