They believe they should quickly kill the meat
Explanation: At first they don’t like each other but as time goes on one they talk
The correct answer is: Short phrases that make the reader interested.
Some authors recommend the use of short sentences as the genre requires variety and flow to avoid repetition and boredom. In this way the pace of the reading is increased keeping the reader's attention. I read an example that was very helpful, imagine someone that is anxious or scared, when he sepaks he uses few words at a time, forming complex sentences turns difficult. By writing with short sentences you can be able to transmit this kind of emotions in a more effective way. Remember that suspense's objective is to make the reader wonder at all time if the protagonist will overcome the problems presented, the reader must frecuently face uncertainty.
The teaching of mother is important because it helps in developing child's personal ,social and cultural skills and identity. It supports to develop child's critical thinking and literacy .The teaching of other languages in elementary school may be hard for students to learn and understand so the teaching of mother tongue should be practiced for better understanding and learning of children. Learning the native same language signifies same history of your parents,grand parents and cultures