The answer is heroic couplet
At the meeting Shere Khan threatened that if the wolves did not give him Mowgli he would take over their hunting territory.
you need to list the sentences then i can help you
Logos or ethos, I’m pretty sure it’s logos
The word altruistic comes from the word altruism and suffix - tic. The word altruism means the principle and concern for other human's happiness. It is a selfless concern for the welfare of others. The term denotes a life attitude that includes selflessness, affection, love for another, and willingness to help another, at the cost of personal harm and sacrifice, without any compensation or outward reward. Altruism comes from the French word autrui, which means "other people".
The suffix -tic is used in adjectives of Greek origin, especially in the formation of adjectives from nouns.
The structure tells the reader that it is adverb that means helping and loving another human being. To be altruistic means to feel empathy for another and help and to love.