1. Spanish and Indian descent -- mestizo
2. Spanish province in New World
3. his ship was first to sail around the world -- Magellan
4. defeated Incas
-- Pizarro
5. conquered Aztecs
-- Cortes
6. first permanent French settlement in New World -- Quebec
7. palace of Louis XIV -- Versailles
8. English translation of the Bible -- James I
9. an English explorer -- Sir Francis Drake
Reconstruction lasted from 1863 to 1877, reconstruction abolished slavery and the communist. Reconstruction made the newly freed slaves have rights.
Nazis invaded the soviet union in 1941
New Orleans was significant during the Civil War, because the city was divided. The northern part was controlled by the Union Army, but the southern part was still Confederate so they were spared from the Emancipation Proclamation. Many cities in the South were destroyed, but New Orleans was largely spared. Many African-American troops fought for the North and most of New Orleans was captured and controlled by the Union Army early on in the war.