He writes, “Since I feel that you are men of genuine goodwill and your criticisms ... Because King is himself a member of the clergy, he relies heavily on morality, ethics ... His presence he states, “answers the call” of the people in Birmingham.
Past progressive is the correct answer.
The belief or idea can take many forms: a political or ethical belief, a theoretical or scientific idea, a personal conviction, an entrenched way of doing things (challenging the status quo), and so on. Tread carefully, however, as some topics should be avoided and can send your essay into controversial or potentially risky territory.Your challenge of the idea or belief need not have been successful. For example, if your community believes in the value of killing snakes on Whacking Day and you ran a campaign to stop this barbaric practice, your efforts could lead to a good essay whether or not you were successful (if you were not successful, your essay might also work for option #2 on learning from failure).
btw love the gooogle image!!!
1.They are to attend classes everyday as they are to be interested in all the subjects.
The witches' prophecy about Macbeth's future
because the witches literally make macbeth think he will become king and after killing one person mac beth goes in same and lady mc beth goes loco too lol this book is crazy