.For the our health because if the environment is saved the we are able to get the fresh air.
.For decreasing global warming because if environment is saved then the pollution is controlled.
.For decreasing deforestation which can control landscape because saving the environment can also be taken as saving trees.
For saving the animals because the habitat of animal is forest which need to be protected by protecting environment.
.For saving the natural resource which are also the reasons of income because it attracts tourists.
Carbon is found in hydrosphere in the form of dissolved carbon in ocean and sea water during the gas exchange process.
- Carbon cycle is the process of transformation of carbon in different forms. From atmosphere, the carbon gets into hydrosphere during the gas exchange processes.
- During this gas exchange process, the carbon is dissolved in the ocean water which is later utilized by marine plants to conduct photosynthesis.
- There is a continuous transformation of carbon from lands, plants to atmosphere and from atmosphere to hydrosphere.
They surround and engulf foreign objects and organisms- process called phagocytosis
D. A silent variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.
TBX1 gene is wild type human being. It gives instructions for making protein called T-box 1. It plays an important role in tissue formation and organs during embryonic development.
Answer: Assuming you mean 'Which of the following is the correct complementary RNA strand?' The answer is D.
Explanation: This is because RNA is A=U G=C T=A