Rome was one of the first strongest empires at the time, All they did was expand and expand also becoming the largest empire. The Empire demolished its opponents. But problems started to come whne people that were getting taken over wanted a say in governement become the roman republic. Allowing citizens to vote for who they wanted to happen until Julius Ceaser marched into Rome and took over the government becoming a dictator. Religion was changing as well with the coming of Jesus. This became a fight between the Roman Catholic Church and The Religio Romana(The Roman Religion) caused more tension between people. Finally invasions. Barbarians from the east started moving west into the roman empire. The Roman empire was so big. troops could not get reinforcements fast enough causing cities to get invaded before the roman empire fell becomeing the Byzantine Empire.
Geography is called the mother of all sciences due to its links and influences on a range of other scientific fields including biology, math, anthropology, geology, astronomy and chemistry
The Strait of Hormuz is a Choke point that is used to monitor exports and imports leaving in the Middle East
Humans get all the things they need for life from natural resources. People cant stay away from the natural things like solar power, air, water and soil.