Mainly people undergoing surgery.
Dear parents,
This letter is going out to you on behalf of a safety concern for our students. We have noticed some children wearing inappropriate clothing to our nursery and we will attach some examples of appropriate clothing items.
Onesies to keep the babies warm, T-shirts for play wear, pack jackets in case it gets chilly, Please have your child wear pants incase of cold weather and to prevent of getting scrapes or cuts, also have your child wear closed toes shoes for play wear.
We hope you take our suggestions into account.
Thank You,
La escoliosis es una curvatura lateral anormal de la columna. Se diagnostica con mayor frecuencia en la infancia o la adolescencia temprana. Las curvas normales de la columna se producen en las regiones cervical, torácica y lumbar en el llamado plano "sagital".
Espero que esto ayude a marcar el MÁS CEREBRAL !!!
(1) Cubitus varus is the most common long-term complication associated with the radiology finding.
The distal humerus is misaligned in cubitus varus (gunstock deformity), changing the arm and forearm's carrying angle from its physiological valgus alignment (5–15 degrees) to varus malalignment. It has historically occurred up to 30% of the time after supracondylar fractures.
The main issue is its look rather than functional impairment. A supracondylar fracture's misalignment is the cause of this malformation. Varus alignment may develop from the medial column collapsing due to comminution.
It could also happen if the distal shattered piece extends and rotates internally. Typically, this deformity is static and does not change over time.
Here is another question with an answer similar to this about radiology:
Question correction:
A 5-year-old girl presents after falling off a shopping cart, tripping, and then falling onto her right arm. On examination, temp is 98.7, pulse 97, respirations 18, blood pressure 127/80 mm Hg. She is alert, oriented, and in no acute distress. Significant findings related to the right arm, which was mildly swollen, deformed, and diffusely tender. There was decreased range of motion of the right elbow due to pain. Sensation was intact. Pulses are within normal limits bilaterally. A radiographic examination was performed.
What is the most common long-term complication associated with the radiology finding?
1 Cubitus varus
2 Myositis ossificans
3 Median nerve injury
4 Ulnar nerve injury
5 Volkmann contracture
- Cardiac output = defined as the amount of blood that comes out with each ventricular contraction in a minute. Normally in a healthy and young person it is 4.5 L / min.
- Heart rate = It is the amount of heartbeats in a minute. Normally it goes between 60 to 100 contractions per minute.
- Stroke Volume = It is the amount of blood ejected from the heart to the aorta and to the pulmonary artery in each contraction.