The first choice is the the best one "Si,toco el piano bien,
Primero, en su nivel más simple, ciertamente significa que necesita las herramientas adecuadas para realizar el trabajo y vale la pena el tiempo para asegurarse de que la herramienta sea la correcta. En el centro de llamadas, la "herramienta" adecuada puede ser una herramienta o una tecnología. Tener herramientas efectivas como el monitoreo de calidad con análisis de voz puede ayudar a identificar áreas de preocupación para el entrenamiento o el refuerzo. Las herramientas de formación, como el e-learning y los sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje, pueden ayudar a garantizar que el personal de primera línea reciba la formación personalizada que necesita en el momento oportuno. En lugar de seguir cometiendo los mismos errores o trabajar de manera ineficaz, una aplicación eficaz de la tecnología puede maximizar el desempeño de su personal.
1. Autoestima, capaz, despliega.
2. Amas, sensibles.
3. Canto, cotidianos.
4. Conmueve.
5. Percepción.
6. Dignidad, correspondido.
7. Sentirse.
8. Ignorancia, sufrimiento.
9. Tesoro.
10. Amanecer, gesto, creación.
To complete this exercise, you have to select which word fits best in each of the sentences given. This is a reading comprehension activity in Spanish. The text is about beauty and being able to see the little and beautiful things in life, it's about perception of the world around us.
Explanation:Early one Saturday morning, (6) a fisherman and his (7) son's son went fishing. Since the fishermen don't like to talk (8) a lot, (9) the men in our story were so quiet like the (10) fish. (11) Only at noon, when the clouds appeared on the horizon, did the son He said to the father, "It looks like it's going to rain." (12) The father looked up at the sky and shook his head as a sign of approval. But he didn't say a word. (13) One day happened that way. On Sunday they took a break. But as usual, nothing was said. On Monday they went fishing again, but still in (14) silence. That's how Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all passed in the same way. It wasn't until Friday night, when it started to rain heavily, that the father wiped (15) his forehead with his hand and said: "Yes, you are right.
<h2>Plz Mark As Brainlest </h2>