Climate variations are averaged by using weather conditions from past years. Climate variability varies by seasons, because some seasons get colder than others, and there could be more precipitation in the atmosphere, which would then make it easier to calculate future rainfall, making people aware of storms that are coming ahead of time and allowing them to prepare for it (making storm water drains, etc.).
epiphytic roots
Epiphytic roots are those that live on other plants without parasitism. In this relationship, the epiphyte uses the other vegetable only as a support (phorophyte), removing no nutrients and, consequently, causing no harm to the species.
Epiphyte roots are estimated to represent about 10% of the total amount of vascular plants on the planet. This means that there are on average 29,000 plant species with this peculiar habit of life. These vegetables are mainly found in tropical rainforests and have almost no representatives in places with very low temperatures.
I don’t know man but 2+2=4 I hope that works
ive never heard anything about that so i would say no
but if u ever get bump a bee " Remain calm and quietly move away until bees are out of sight. If bees attack, run away in a straight line and take shelter inside a car or building as soon as possible"