The answer is TOSH.
Tropical, subtropical, temperate, and alpine vegetation can all be found in the Himalayas, and each variety predominates in a region primarily influenced by elevation and precipitation. The species found in each zone vary significantly due to local variations in relief, climate, and exposure to wind and sunlight.
- The humid Himalayan foothills in the east and center are the only places where tropical evergreen rainforest can be found. The evergreen dipterocarps, a group of common trees that produce resin and timber, thrive on a variety of soil types and steepnesses in hill slopes. Oaks (genus Quercus) and Indian horse chestnuts (Aesculus indica) grow on the lithosol (shallow soil made up of imperfectly weathered rock fragments), which covers sandstones from Arunachal Pradesh westward to central Nepal at elevations of 3,600 to 5,700 feet. Mesua ferrea, a species of Ceylon ironwood, grows on porous soils between 600 and 2,400 feet (180 and 720 metres) (1,100 to 1,700 metres). On the steeper slopes, alder trees (genus Alnus) can be found growing alongside watercourses. Higher elevations cause certain species to succumb to mountain woods, where Himalayan screw pine serves as the predominant evergreen (Pandanus furcatus). Aside from those trees, it is thought that the eastern Himalayas are home to 4,000 species of blooming plants, 20 of which are palms.
To learn more about western Himalayas
People migrate for a number of reasons. These reasons may fall under these four areas: Environmental, Economic, Cultural and Socio-political. ... Poor economic activity and lack of job opportunities are also strong push factors for migration.
Insulin is the key hormone of carbohydrate metabolism, it also influences the metabolism of fat and proteins. It lowers blood glucose by increasing glucose transport in muscle and adipose tissue and stimulates the synthesis of glycogen, fat, and protein.
1) The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence. Or, investment in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.
2) Speciation occurs when two or more populations become so genetically distinct that they no longer interbreed with one another. There are multiple ways this can occur. The natural ways speciation can occur are allopatric, parapatric, and sympatric speciation.
3) Before the Great Depression, there were limited regulations that governed the stock market. Investors were able to speculate wildly and buy stocks on margin or using borrowed money. ... The poor policies that governed the stock market proved to be another of the causes of the Great Depression.
I think 1 and 2 might be wrong but, hope it helped!
<u>To bring awareness about the underwater volcanoes</u>.
- The eruption of the volcanoes, and the occurrence of the earthquakes on the planet and the spilling of the lavas, and the smoke-filled air hat comes to from the vent of the large craters.
- <u>As most people think that the volcanoes are present on the land areas only does not mean that they are confined to the above surface of earth they are also characterized by the deep hydrothermal vent and the most pope thus are surprised to know about them as they don't know that they are the primary place for the origin of the first life forms n the earth in the single-celled bacteria.
- They generally spill out the lavas and the magmas and this is called sth submarine volcanoes and ends to occur along the mid-ocean ridges. And are known to give out an estimated 75% of the volume of the lavas on earth.
- T<u>hey are also known as the seamounts that are created from the extinct volcanoes that occur in 1000 to 4000 meters depth of the seafloor.</u>