if your looking for the main idea/ theme, then it's "Though its plot focuses on a single moral choice, that of Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters deciding whether or not to expose why Mrs. Wright killed her husband, Trifles is thematically complex. It addresses the abiding issue of justice and contemporary issues of gender and identity politics. Susan Glaspell’s power comes from the way she interweaves these issues until they are impossible to separate. When they enter the farmhouse, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters are there as wives, adjunct to their husbands’ roles in society. However, through the process of attempting to help another woman by gathering items from her household that might comfort her in jail, they learn to identify themselves first as women and only secondarily as wives. Each woman recognizes her own life in Mrs. Wright’s suffering, and each comes to see that given the wrong circumstances, she, too, would have killed the man that so damaged her. These women symbolize all women, and this growing awareness suggests the possibility of personal transformation that decades later emerged in feminist consciousness-raising groups. When they decide to hide the evidence of Mrs. Wright’s motive for the murder, the two women are condoning the crime, or declaring that it is not a crime, but justice for the suffering that John Wright inflicted on his wife."
Explanation: honestly i hope this helps :)
The demand for the product; weather there is a similar product out there; is it a special edition or limited product.
The description, according to the background, is mentioned following.
- "The Passionate Shepherd" would be courtship or self-improvement composition. In it, because the presenter has been trying to persuade his audience should come into this country as well as be his enthusiast.
- The poem portrays its challenging constitutionality including its luxury items individuals experience with each other throughout the fields, characterizing something as a destination of leisure that should be simultaneously seductive and harmless.
The answer will be multiple-part.
"Your courage to the sticking place" is a well-known statement - from Shakespeare's play Macbeth. The idiom screw... to the sticking place - if you do some research - is defined as "being firm and resolute in... (in this case, courage)." This echoes Shakespeare's ambitious nature - as is shown in a poetic style.
The rest of this paragraph reflects that aspect of him as well. Such words as:
Though seemingly just part of the nature of poetry, these words may spark images in your mind that typical, everyday words otherwise don't.
I hope you can gather a lot of info from all of that! Tell me if you need any further assistance...
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