Othello is very angry and envious because he believes that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. He is jealous.
He wants to see the reality of what has become of the affair. He becomes beast like and has fits that make it where he cannot even speak where others can understand him. The green eyed monster of jealousy got him good. He spreads this jealousy to other characters. He wants to be able to manipulate people.
Lago is a villain and he is manipulative. He is a smooth talker.
In the stanza shown above, we can see that the author used imagery to describe certain sensations and make the reader feel the problems that the ship went through, the ringing of bells, the noise of people in the port and the feeling of sadness of the speaker when able to see the captain of the dead ship.
Imagery, is a literary resource that allows the author of a work to use several adjectives and words that expand the way he describes situations and things that are within the narrative, in order to intensify the five senses of the readers, such as smell, sight, hearing and tact, in relation to what is being narrated and written.
A compare and contrast essay would be the best option here. Using this type of essay, you can highlight the similarities in each novel by comparing specific aspects of them. Hope this is the answer you were looking for and that I could help!
Well if you're during the editing stage of your letter, the only option that would make sense would be C. Verify that all facts and numbers in your letter are accurate.