Speak loudly, always look at your audience( unless if you need to look back at your paper) and if you are nervous, just picture everyone in their underwear.
because either way that is your family, i am not sure what your dealing with but it gets better.
no matter if you were close to them or not its your blood so youre gonna miss them no matter what, moments may relive in your head also. but no matter what your brain has a system to miss people you may not always fully love.
This is an example of territorial marker, more specifically a central marker.
By definition, nonverbal is the communication that takes place without depending on words, written or spoken. It may happen through gestures, body language, looks, attitudes etc.
In the situation we are analyzing here, Kristen is using a nonverbal clue. Without saying a word to anybody, she is communicating that a certain seat is taken by her, and that she intends to return to it. That is an example of a territorial marker, more specifically a central marker. A central marker is an item that is placed in a territory to reserve it for a specific person.
Answer: to guide the team that will carry out their vision