Dear uncle,
I am very glad writing you this letter this blissful day.Upon hearing that your wife has given birth brought me great joy.I'm actually now having another cousin.Ill come around soon.
Uncle, the main reason for which I have taken the time to write you this letter is to ask you to help me by paying my fees.
Uncle I know this is kind of burdensome but what can I do.Theres no help from anyone.
Mummy's health continues to deteriorate.We buy her medications with the little money we come in touch with.
.......then added more reasons to convince him
like 2 more or 3 more
Uncle,I hope with these reasons given you would love to help because I know you believe education is the hall mark of our family and you want a bright future for me.Well,I'm very sorry if this will cost you a lot
I promise to not let your efforts in helping me be in vain.
Yours faithfully,
Both of you learn something.