1st person is where students use their spoken voice. EG: I, me, mine. A personal narrative
3rd person is where a student uses their written voice. EG: him, her, he, she.
I think it's Persuasive..because it appeals to our emotions by getting us to agree with them, and it uses reason and logic to do so, and often uses statistics....and there's almost always a clear statement of what they want us to believe at the beginning
Chaucer uses a lot of Irony in his small story's.
Impulsive, emotional Romeo acts as a character foil for Paris, who is stable yet dull. Option D is the right one.
Whe refering to literature, the term foil makes reference to a character who contrasts with other characters, often their qualities are quite the opposite from those of other characters.
Paris in the play Rome and Juliet is a suitor of Juliet. He is described as a handsome, wealthy man and a kinsman to Prince Escalus.