Human beings need norms to guide and direct their behavior, to provide order and predictability in social relationships and to make sense of and understanding of each other's actions. These are some of the reasons why most people, most of the time, conform to social norms.
c. bogus pipeline
Bogus pipeline is a type of polygraph used in situations where individuals need to answer emotional questions. This device is widely used by psychologists because it allows the identification and reduction of false responses on the part of the participant. In other words, we can say that this device allows the participant to be connected to a device that measures "true attitudes" to check if a participant has any hidden biases
An interdependent person, due to the emphasis on relationships and groups (their social lives, basically) is one in which the self is embedded in their said social lives, just like in the example: the exercise describes a person, Urie, who is always aware of what people do around him. Therefore, he adjusts to them, suppressing his own preferences and desires.
Truck jobber
Teri Bake delivers fresh cakes, breads, pies, and muffins to several small grocery stores in Central Radisova. In addition to delivering baked goods, Teri Bake's employees help the small store owners keep track of what they need to order, and they even remove outdated baked goods from the store shelves. Teri Bake is a truck jobber.
Truck Jobber is basically a merchant wholesaler that carries products to small business customer locations for their inspection and selection. This type of distributor performs primarily a selling and delivery function. They offer quick and frequent delivery which is especially essential for such items as bakery goods, meats and dairy product.
Teri is a truk jobber that frequently delivers bakery goods.
The reason why vehicle skids are most likely occur is because of the roads are too slippery to go through that made vehicle slide, another thing, the reason could be because drivers are too fast in driving that could make their car skid because driving too fast could make the car unbalance as it turns to different directions. As vehicle skids, it could lead to accidents, harming not only the driver but to other drivers around them.