What does the characterization of the Miller and the story he tells, “The Miller’s Tale: A Barrel of Laughs” reveal about his id
entity and his place in the medieval social order? Write two paragraphs (4-6 sentences in each paragraph) to answer the writing prompt.
Paragraph One: What does the characterization of the Miller reveal about his identity in the medieval social order?
Paragraph Two: What does the tale he tells reveal about his identity and place in the medieval social order?
Use R.A.C.E.S strategy to write each paragraph
(Restate, Answer, Cite, Explain, Sum it up)
Remember S.T.E.A.L to help you with characterization.
(Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Actions, and Looks)
You will need to reread pages 15-23 to help you answer this question
(end of “The Knight’s Tale” Chapter and “The Miller’s Tale)