The newest super power is india
206 bones and over 600 muscles
Democratic dominance of the South originated in the struggle of white Southerners during and after Reconstruction (1865–1877) to reestablish white supremacy and disenfranchise blacks. The U.S. government under the Republican Party had defeated the Confederacy, abolished slavery, and enfranchised blacks.
The stock market crash of 1929; the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff (Hawley, it was signed by President Herbert Hoover on June 17, 1930. The act raised US tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods. The tariffs under the act, excluding duty-free imports were the second highest in United States history, exceeded by only the Tariff of 1828), government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply.
I would list these three things:
- Simony was condemned.
- Indulgences were no longer to be sold.
- Clergy were to become better educated.
The Council of Trent, held over a span of years from 1545 to 1563, served to reform some abuses that were acknowledged by the Catholic Church. Mostly, though, the Council aimed to assert the full authority of Roman power and doctrine over the Protestant threat.
- Simony was the practice of buying and selling church offices. The Council of Trent condemned such practices, which had been widely abused in the church and criticized by reformers.
- As for indulgences, the underlying principle of indulgences was upheld -- that the church had authority to grant reprieve to penance or time in purgatory. But the sale of indulgences was stopped. The church recognized that the selling of indulgences had been an abuse and determined to end that practice.
- As for clergy education, seminaries were established and the Roman Catechism, also known as the Catechism of the Council of Trent, was commissioned by the Council and was published in 1566,. The intention of these actions was thoroughly to improve the education of the church's clergy.