In 1845 he began his famous two-year stay on Walden Pond, which he wrote about in his master work, Walden. He also became known for his beliefs in Transcendentalism and civil disobedience, and was a dedicated abolitionist.
1. Largest 2. Creepiest 3. Smaller 4. Harder
a wide scattering of people who lived near rivers in temporary settlements of 1-3 households and practiced a mixture of hunting, gathering and crop growing
<span>B. The game is a form of tag in which a “raider” tries to tag as many players as he can while holding his breath and chanting “Kabaddi.</span>
The poem is written by Edgan Allan Poe and he views existence as a dream. The poem explain man existence as just an illusion that does not last but will get fade away with time because everything happens within a short moment and nothing is permanent. He talks about how life moves very fast and before one could realize anything it looks as though its a dream.
Life does not wait for any man everything is time bound when things are not done or achieved when it ought to be one becomes a dreamer as it just like a dream that time moves like a lightning.