Escaping slavery would have been much more deadly and difficult without help from people along the way.
One of the most well-known organized networks of escape is the so-called Underground Railroad. Actually, white people (such as Quakers) were the ones who helped slaves not only leave their owners, but also survive and find sanctuary in the Northern states or Canada through informal abolitionist associations.
George McGovern opposed him
Massive globalization and further increases in technology, during this time the Cold War has begun so competing for superior tech led to advancements in Military Technology which was then converted for Civilian use, so overall technology was vastly improved as well living condition for the average American. More wars were fought for the idea of “Balance of Power” such as the Korean War and Vietnam, mainly a way to protect and spread capitalism. Patriotism was also more wide spread than ever.
Answer: Jesus Christ
Explanation: He is the reason why there is a religion called Christianity. Without Jesus, there wouldn't be a Christian movement.
In fact, Christian was the name given to all who were followers of Christ's teachings. The movement then grew to become Christianity that we know today.