1: An agreement forced upon China by the victorious Western nations
Still the basic economic superiority of the camel prevailed. A few wagons reappeared under the Turks. More significantly, the Ottoman Turkish expansion into the Balkans did not spell the end of wheeled transport there. However, in general the use of the camel remained all-pervasive until the advent of European influence which stimulated the building of carriages for use in cities.
Then came the automobile and the end of the contest was in sight. There were setbacks, of course. In World War II, for example, lack of tires often forced the Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco) to use camels instead of trucks. But that was temporary. Today even Bedouins keep a truck parked outside their tents. The day of the camel is past, and whoever laments its passing would do well to remember that 2,000 years ago someone else was lamenting the passing of the ox cart.
The Mediterranean race (also Mediterranid race) was a historical race concept that was a sub-race of the Caucasian race as categorised by anthropologists in the late 19th to mid-20th centuries.The countries and territories of the Eastern Mediterranean include Cyprus, Greece, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and Israel.
hope this helps £££££££
Answer: in my opinion, no, i think that if there was such hate going on, that the government would be forced to step in. The holocaust was pure hate and murder.
Explanation: opinion
Benjamin Franklin proved himself to have in Philadelphia was Writing