It is measured in megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz).
Hope this helps.
Person p1, p2, p3;
int m1, m2, m3;
p1 = new Person();
// assignment 1
m1 = p1.getMoney();
p2 = new Student();
// assignment 2
m2 = p2.getMoney();
p3 = new Employee();
// assignment 3
m3 = p3.getMoney();
The reference to getMoney in assignment 3 is to the <em>Person</em> class.
Since Employee class didn't override Person class's getMoney() method, calling p3 with getMoney() will call Base class's (Person) getMoney() method.
It is a laptop so they are able to take them with them whit them they are the most potable laptop able over any apple product you can get in the same category
Presentation software is a category of application software that is specifically designed to allow users to create a presentation of ideas by stringing together text, images and audio/video.
The endocrine system is a chemical communication network that sends messages throughout the nervous system via the bloodstream
The endocrine system is the chemical communication system which send the messages throughout the body through bloodstreams. This system secretes hormones into the bloodstream. Blood stream is the blood that flows in the circulatory system of the body.These hormones are carried in the bloodstream to the body and manage the functioning, metabolism, blood pressure and growth of the body. This system is linked to hypothalamus and this system effects the working of nervous system. Pituitary gland is an important component of endocrine system that controls working of rest of endocrine system and it also releases hormones that control growth of endocrine system.