a substrate control is an uncontaminated sample
it allows forensic scientiststo compare the two samples to better observe whether a flammable liquid is present
How come when I reach out my fingers it feels like there’s so much distance between us I’ve been California wishing
4. C 5. D 6. D. 7. B
Check if I am right before confirming your answers. because many people killed for money.
It is the duty of Congress to have hearings in order to confirm a Supreme Court Justice nominee (as stated in the Constitution). This exclusive power rests on the U.S. Senate. The consensus, however, may be different and may vote against a nominee. Political parties within the Senate generally get in the way of who will vote and who won't, and vice-versa.
For example, Merrick Garland (former President Obama's nominee) was not given a hearing. Furthermore, Congress failed to perform the duties to have a hearing and decide whether to vote or deny a nominee. This is an example of how they refused to even vote on him. This is not the way government should operate.