<h2>This is not beautiful</h2><h3>The picture in attachment is beautiful...</h3>
Use Socratic to get the answer to your question
Geographers use map projections to translate the planet in a two dimensional representation. Unfortunately, you can’t display 3D surfaces perfectly in two dimensions, distortions always occur. There are many different projections that are commonly used throughout the world.
Definition of erosion (according to National Geographic): “Erosion is the geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind or water.”
1. Describe the features that water erosion produces in your images (mountains, canyons, deserts, etc?) What do they have in COMMON?
Mountains: Water erosion would create a waterway around the mountains.
Canyons: Water erosion would create more area between the canyons.
Deserts: Water erosion would generally change the desert’s landscape by making the hills more downslope.
What they have in common: They all create changes to the landscape of different areas.
2. You can see water erosion even when you do not see water. How is this possible? Be clear!
This is possible by rain?
- I’m not exactly sure about this question.