when they found out that the other man wasn't his grandfather

In order to answer this question, we need to know what each of the options mean.

Used to criticize and expose people's foolishness with the uses of irony, humor, and/or exaggeration.

An exaggerated statement that is not literal.

Presented as something worse than it actually is.

Image (or imagery) describes something/someone with our five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.
The statement "It is negative 100 degrees outside!" is not literal; it just means that it is extremely cold outside. This statement falls under the category of a hyperbole.
C. Both are satirical writings.
In Jonathan Swift's <em>"The Lady's Dressing Room"</em> is a satirical work on the feminine gender and the disastrous state of her room. By juxtaposing the beauty of the women to the mess of the room, the poet is ridiculing and criticizing the filth left behind after a woman cleans up and beautify herself.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's <em>"The Dean's Provocation for Writing the Dressing-Room"</em> is also a poem about the degrading position of women. In this poem, a doctor visits a prostitute but blames her for his inability.
These two poems work on demeaning the stature of a woman and her inferiority, despite the men being at fault. <u>These poems are a satirical work on how society deems the female gender and emphasizes the way women are treated in general.</u>
The passage talks about how people have to wait for beds to open up which infers that there are not enough beds.