Answer: changes in structure
Pauline Boss describes stress that occurs in families when a member is added or subtracted as normative stress due to changes in structure. Families continuously change structure over time due to births or adoptions, deaths, and marriages and this can create a shifting reality of who belongs to the family or not.
While some families handle this change in structure well, others cannot cope and may spiral into dysfunction.
A metaphor<span> is a figure of speech that refers, for rhetorical effect, to one thing by mentioning another thing. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas. Where a simile compares two items, a </span>metaphor<span> directly equates them, and does not use "like" or "as" as does a simile.</span>
Allan Wicker discovered a couple of things during his research in 1969. First of which was that student attitudes about cheating did not predict their own cheating behaviors
. Secondly he discovered that Individual descriptions of racial attitudes did not predict behaviors in an actual situation
. Lastly, he found out that Individual attitudes about church attendance did not predict their own Sunday attendance. All of which were examples from the study that he conducted and the results that were gathered.
South Pass<span> is the lowest point on the Continental Divide between the Central </span>Rocky Mountains<span> and the Southern</span>Rocky Mountains<span>. The </span>passes<span> furnish a natural </span>crossing<span>point of the </span>Rockies<span>. The historic </span>pass<span> became the route for emigrants on the Oregon, California, and Mormon </span>trails<span>to the West during the 19th century.