You add the top numbers together and keep the denominator the same if the denominator is already both the same. If not, make sure the denominatoris the same first
Ex: 3/4+6/8=6/8+6/8=12/8=1 4/8=1 1/2
Lyndal invested $3000 and Morton invested $2000
To flip any of the points to map up correctly to the other points, you would have to do a reflection over the y-axis. The reasoning for this is because you cannot dilate your shape because it won't map over correctly. A translation will not work, mainly because the shape still needs to flip. A rotation will also not work because when you rotate it, the shape will still not map over your new one.
-So your answer to this question would be that only a Reflection over the y-axis will allow the two shapes to map over each other correctly.
First find the inner angle:
[ given hypotenuse = 500 ft ]
using sine rule:

using pythagoras theorem: