It is the finance / administration function that records time accounting and procures the needed items
There are six basic functions of IT.
1. Capture: Compiling detailed records of activities.
2. Processing: Converting, analyzing, computing and synthesizing all forms of data and information.
3. Generation: Organizing information into a useful form.
4. Storage: Retaining information for further use.
5. Retrieval: Locating and copying stored data or information for further processing or for transmission to another user.
6. Transmission: Distributing information over a communication network.
An Access Control Matrix ACM can be defined as a table that maps the permissions of a set of subjects to act upon a set of objects within a system. The matrix is a two-dimensional table with subjects down the columns and objects across the rows. The permissions of the subject to act upon a particular object are found in the cell that maps the subject to that object.
The rows correspond to the subject
The columns correspond to the object
What does each cell in the matrix contain? Answer: Each cell is the set of access rights for that subject to that object.