I guess that it’s false because it’s showing in the passage
1 A: "Where did you go to on holidays?"
2 B: "We go to the Czech Republic."
3 A: "Do you stay in Prague?"
4 B: "No we did not. We rented an apartment in the mountains."
5 A: "Is it nice?"
6 B: "Yes, it will be. We will have a great time."
7 A: "What will you do?"
8 B: "We did not do much. We read. We swam in the lake- we just relaxed."
9 A: "Did you like the food?"
10 B: "Yes we loved it! We eat out a lot."
11 A: "How long will you be there?"
12 B: "Two weeks. We arrived back yesterday."
The storm changes Sydney’s perspective on her life and the things and people around her. Before she only thought of the negatives aspects of her house and doesn’t appreciate has. The storm threatens to take all of that away, which prompts a retrospective moment from Sydney. She realizes that she should be thankful for the house she has and the family that loves her.