A farmer is useful in the society because a farmer is the one who grows crops for sale and home but a teacher if the farmer isnt in the society we wouldnt be able to access food
According to Coilins:
if you refer to the recesses of someone's mind or soul, you are referring to thoughts or feelings they have which are hidden or difficult to describe. There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him."
You can use a dictionary to look up the meaning of any words that you don't understand. A good dictionary can help you understand your subject better, improve your communication and improve your grades by making sure you are using words correctly. ...
I believe that many cultures have stories in which young people triumph over forces because versus adults kids think more outside of the box, just because they're not old enough to "make their own decisions" (as some adults say) doesn't mean that they're not smart enough to handle themselves. Kids also don't let weakness get to them they will keep going without giving up. Some kids books that are "Kids Vs Evil" are.. Doctor Sleep, The Death Path, Wonderland, etc.