to convince the public to support an idea to entertain the audience by describing a recent event to explain a complicated political process to showcase the speaker's public speaking skills.
You have us the ENTIRE thing...why didn’t...this is easy
In medias res, the opening line of the Iliad means in the middle of action. So it starts off chaotic and complex, a war scene on the battlefield. Doesn't really give any info as to why the action is taking place, but the reader is right there in it.
In “Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?” The person who is digging in the grave is her dog
The suffix “-able”
Suffix is an affix mostly paced in the end or after a word’s original root. It takes on many cases to describe a word either in verb or adjective. For example running notice that –ning is the suffix in this word while beautifully, take the root word of beautiful and the suffix –ly as we break down the words.