The correct answer is letter "A": The message is broken into independent blocks which are encrypted.
There are five (5) main forms of encryption: <em>Electronic Code Book (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), Output Feedback (OFB), and Output Feedback (OFB)</em>. Electronic Code Book (ECB) is the simplest of all of them. Using this method to encrypt information implies dividing a message into two parts to encrypt each block independently. ECB does not hide patterns effectively because the blocks are encrypted using identical plaintexts.
Correct the data she entered , and the software will adjust the graph -apex
new_segment = [ ]
for segment in segments:
new_segment.append({'name': segment, 'average_spend': money})
print( new_segment)
Using list comprehension:
new_segment =[{'name': segment, 'average_spend': money} for segment in segments]
Using map():
def listing(a):
contain = {'name': segment, 'average_spend': money}
return contain
new_segment = [ ]
new_segment.append(map( listing, segment))
The python codes above create a list of dictionaries in all instances using for loop, for loop in list comprehension and the map function which collect two arguments .