The most significant contributing factor to the Steel Strike of 1919 in the US was the end of World War I, which left many of those workers who had unionized in federal unions with less opportunities for work then prior and during the war.
If I were to settle in a decentralized state, then the power wouldn't be consolidated in a single entity. This means I am less likely to have to pay a "Royal Tax" and if I'm lucky since I can read and write and have a modern education I could become a page in the local nobleman's court or perhaps join a monastery and work there. It would be a simple life but I doubt it would bring any unwanted attention which would be bad since I could be a "Witch" or "Devil" or something and be burned at the stake.
One of the main ways in which Europe’s commercial revolution affected social structure is that it increased the incomes of many lower-class citizens, which created somewhat of a "middle class," which had previously not existed.
Japan was able to recover so fast due to the Korean War. There was a huge surge of United Nation and United States troops that provided money and jobs. Japan was able to serve as a repair hub as well as a logistics base during that time.
Because of the unrestricted attacks German submarines were making on American ships