Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning is one kind of analysis in which the truth of the premises give support to the conclusion but they do not really count on the power to guarantee them.
Inductive reasoning can also be considered as a soft skill since it is related to the way you interact with people and behave in social situations.
the thesis is a short summary of the main focus of the essay
Mum is not making salad
Mum is making biscuits
The grils are not drinking lemonade
the girls are drinking tea
Dad is not reading a newspaper
Dad is reading a cookery book
D) Rhetoric
<u> The rhetorical model of persuasion means that the argument presented is effective and appealing, posing as the truth and presenting many valuable assertions. </u>Good persuasion should make the audience change their mind and find the presenter credible and the speech emotional. It is also good to use rhetorical devices – these are stylistic devices and figures of speech that make the argument and discussion more colorful, grab the attention of the audience, and tend to help the person persuade the audience into the argument.
Good persuasion should use the models of rhetoric persuasion which are <u>pathos </u>(emotional convention), <u>ethos </u>(the belief and principle, main idea that gathers people around it), <u>logos </u>(principle of reason), and <u>kairos </u>(timeliness of the argument, the fact that it can be used outside of the certain setting or context)
Impropriety, it was considered to be disrespectful to the women and her husband.