Over speculation means to over "guess." eg, majority of the people feel the stock market will go up, so they greedily buy, when in reality it's the peak already and stock market prices will drop soon.
Answer: A
It has more detailing while the other answers don’t. (Look for that in future multiple choice answers)
Liliuokalani, original name Lydia Kamakaeha, also called Lydia Liliuokalani Paki or Liliu Kamakaeha, (born September 2, 1838, Honolulu, Hawaii [U.S.]—died November 11, 1917, Honolulu), first and only reigning Hawaiian queen and the last Hawaiian sovereign to govern the islands, which were annexed by the United States
Current Americans should learn about this event because it proves that not every single person is for example Muslim, is also a terrorist.