First of all we can not compare Chester, a serial killer, with Joey, who committed a murder without intent, the intention defines the type of crime, and consequently the penalty that it must be met. Joey should not be considered a criminal because he has no criminal mind, and his action was not planned, in addition to having special needs, which places him in a possible state of no criminal responsibility, that will depend on the level and type of disability he possess. According to the laws, parents are not obliged to disclose their children, but there is a responsibility regarding the obstruction of justice, and his father could respond criminally. In this case, you must ask for the acquittal of the penalty for the disability, but at the same time, the clarification of the circumstances to grant justice to those affected.
"If you were an Anti-federalist, you would use the quote to support your argument that only a pure democracy of local governments is the best government" is the best description of how you would respond. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the fourth option or option "D".
Short paragraphs, un varied punctuation, the redundant use of the subjects name
Who or Whom Did You See? Even though you often hear who did you see in everyday conversations, the most grammatically correct answer is whom did you see. Whom refers to the object of the preposition or verb in a sentence.