Being closer to home, the South was able to keep their supply lines significantly shorter than the Northern ones, and so were able to get food, ammunition, and medicine to their soldiers much more quickly than the Northern army could.
or in Spanish
Al estar más cerca de casa, el Sur pudo mantener sus líneas de suministro significativamente más cortas que las del Norte, y así pudo llevar comida, municiones y medicinas a sus soldados mucho más rápido que el ejército del Norte.
The rights and responsibilites of US reflect our values as a country. In the United States, citizens have several different important liberties including (but not limited to):
- freedom of speech
-freedom of religion
-right to petition
-right to protest peacefully
-ability to have a trial in front of an impartial jury
- right to vote
These rights show that America is a country that is focused on providing significant freedom and choice for its citizens. As Americans, we have the ability to vote for whatever political candidate we want, practice the religion of our choice, and speak out against laws on the local, state, or national level. All of these freedoms ensure that America is a country with diverse thoughts and allows for differences in opinion among citizens.
Fifth amendment of the United States constitution.