Epoca moderna este considerata a fi perioada ce a succedat perioada post-clasica cunoscuta sub numele de Evul Mediu.
People in positions of authority misusing or abusing their power is an example of an of them using a d<span>isadvantage to society of using authority.</span>
There are no options to arrive at the correct solution. I would answer this question from my research and hope that it comes to your help. Political polarization as it applies to the Supreme Court is when one justice refuses to work with the other justices on the bench. It starts acting like a political institution and it is not good.
Answer: elected officials represent the people
Explanation: This is the best answer given the options, but a republic is actually defined as a government without a king. Several republics have representation, but it is not required in order to be a republic. From the options you have there though, I’d go with the elected officials as that’s the one that makes the most sense with the actual definition. Hope this helps!
The constitution of the United States is federal in structure.
The framers of the Constitution of the United States of America chose federalism system of government for the country as they believed that the governmental power inevitably poses threats to the liberty of the individual. It Federalism was chose over unitary or confederate system of government so that to divide the power of the government to prevent it from abuse and put a restrain in the powers of the government in the center.
The framers wanted to divide the powers of the government into the regional government and the central government so as to limit the government power.