He meant that his accomplishment are more than he had expected to accomplish
When Churchill mentions that his “private ambitions have been satisfied beyond my wildest dreams”.
He meant that his ambitions or desires have been accomplished more than he could ever think of or more than he had expected. This means that every position or role he has held is far more than what he expected of himself. Churchill might not have believed that his aims or ambitions in life will be achieved to that level or at that rate of progress.
For instance, Churchill held so many offices in his political career through appointment and election. He was a Member of Parliament from 1924 until 1964, home secretary, first lord of the admiralty, chancellor of the Exchequer, minister of defense, and prime minister from 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955.
Covering approximately 800 miles, the Santa Fe Trail extends from Independence, Missouri to present day Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Trail originally began in Franklin, Missouri, but the trail head was moved to Fort Osage and, by 1827, to Independence.
The enemies of the Aztecs
Come capture
California's cityscape and let us cater to your cravings!
California beautiful
countryside comprises of the famed and celebrated Oregon Trail. Just bring a
few resources, a wagon, plenty of water and you could strike it rich!
"Rich? What do you mean by rich?" Well, California is a complete
goldmine! We offer affordable land in abundance which complements our cluster
of gold! We even have friendly encounters with Native Americans every once and
while! Our Chinese migrants are constructing a railroad and sculpting
California into charming residence for you! Come join us and let's make
California the cultivating and captivating home it could be!
B) yams
Before Being introduced by the African population, Okra and Yams were not a common crops in American continent. Most of the people in American continent consumed potatoes, wheats, or corn.
The knowledge about Okra and Yams were introduced by either ex-slaves that gained their freedom and managed to became a farmer or traders who sold their products in Africa and obtain a knowledge about these crops during their visit.