prior to European colonization in Africa, slavery had already existed between the people there, slave owners would willingly offer their slaves to the Europeans in order to protect them selves, the europeans can argue that they did not establish slavery, rather, they continued work that seemed beneficial to them.
I would answer with option "D".
Option D is stating that <em>all </em>men are created equal, the other options aren't referring to that topic.
Geography The Age of Exploration caused ideas, technology, plants, and animals to be exchanged around the world. Government Several European countries competed for colonies overseas, both in Asia and the Americas. Economics Developments during the Age of Exploration led to the origins of modern capitalism.
The idea that helped create an independent America from the Great Awakening is the natural rights which come from God. It contributed to the independent spirit among the colonists of America because it was able to reduce the hierarchical power of the religious sects. It made people think more about themselves than the issues in the religion.
<em>De acuerdo con el general (r) Juan Salcedo Lora, los antecedentes del Estatuto de Seguridad están asociados a varios hechos violentos motivados, presuntamente, por los movimientos guerrilleros que desembocaron en el paro cívico del 14 de septiembre de 1977, convocado por las centrales obreras que se agruparon en el ...</em>
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<em>Que tengas un bonito dia </em></h2>